
Mortgage Rate Volatility and the End of the Refinance Boom

Kind of feels like an epic hangover.  The low low rate party that seemed like it would never end, has come to a decidedly abrupt change in direction.  The sunlight is streaming into the windows, our clothes are all wrinkled, and there are spilled drinks and confetti everywhere.  We’ve seen a handful of days in […]

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More Mixed Messages About $8k Credit

So I’ve posted links to press releases from HUD chief Shaun Donovan claiming plans to “monetize” the $8000 Credit in the form of some kind of nebulous “bridge loan” program. Then I posted an article showing how this plan was Dead on Arrival. Now I’ve been hearing that this credit will be accessible immediately upon close, but NOT for

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Operation Twist = Mortgage Rate Bonanza

Yesterday’s announcement from the Fed’s quarterly meeting was a major market mover–especially for mortgage rates. Ben Bernanke announced the initiation of something called ‘operation twist’, which many market observers were prepared for, but my understanding is the tone of the announcement really made the bond market jump to levels never before seen, with the result …

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